






















South Africa








South Africa

 structural lab.,  prof Mitchell GOHNERT  and senior  technician  Mr Kenneth HARMAN ,  setting up  a test scaffolding frame  with  standard case  but wire bracing,   dial  gauges for slippage of each  connections  and  displacement of each column,  made by support of mutual exchange program between  university of the WITwatersrand Johannesburg  NRF   SOUTH  AFRICA and seoul national university of technology , KOSEF, KOREA,  17th July 2008."
" Mrs DELI( Elizerberth  Simonsimilane),  secreatary, schoool of  civil &environmemtal  engineering, WITS  university,  prof  ki sang SON,   17th  July  2008.  "
 commuting  bus (shuttle bus)  from  high field residence , education  campus  to  maincampus, ki sang SON, 17th july 2008."
" construction safety inpractice  ",   " manhole and paving block to  se  through into profile of it  for making maintenance easier ,  education campus,  university of the WITwatersrand Johannesburg, 17th July 2008.  "
 " fabricating one story  4meter high  scaffolding  frame   for mutual  research   under NRF  -  KOSEF  Exchange  Program,   ,ki sang SON,   Kenneth  HARMAN, senior  technician,
structural Lab.,  school of civil &  environmemtal  engineering,15th July  2008."
 " kii  sang   SON, in  front of  NELSON  MANDELA  Statu,  Santon  city , johannesburg,  15th July 2008. "
a girl (  not  merried)   with traditional  costume,one of  tribes, 11 cattle should be sent to a bride '  family  for getting married  to her. probably,  double of them  should be sent to royal  family
 "anothertribe   is doing his meeting this way  without womenprotecting women against  enemy,  12 th July 2008."
"one of tribes has  didtinguished ability to paint  on wall of his house.they do this  witjout any scheme or setting line in advance.they are doing it as  their hands go.  
 "showing how to  struggle  with a spear  "
 "one of tribes has meeting for strategy and problems  against his enemy etc .,  sitting around open fire".
 (  folk's  village),  11 languages such as africans, english, 9 tribes'  languages.JULI  is the largest  tribe. presentor  with tradition clothes, ki sang SON,  on  12th July 2008.
ki sang SON, in  front of traditional women's  working.
 ki sang SON, main hall (  head office)  university of the WITwatersrand , Johannesburg, ,on  11th Friday,  July 2008 "
" manager , Dr Bernard  NTHAMBELENI  of  NRF,   ki  sang SON, coordinator  of NRF Ms  Lee= ANNE  from right hand side , on 9th July 2008.  
"Mr  Brayan FERRIE, managing director,  Mr Gary THEODOSIOU, structural  engineer, [rpf ki sang SON,  Dr Graham  GRIEVE, fromer managing director  "
solar energy test, on top of  civil engineering building, on7th july 2008.
 made and installed by undergraduate student  . and prof Mitchell GOHNERT is  doing same project.government pushenergy efficency policy.,  7th July 2008.

ki sang son, concrete lab., 7th July 2008
ki sang son, concrete lab.,  7th July 2008  
university  hall  of residence, taken by ki sang SON,  education campus,  7th July 2008.
lunch, at resturant "Hormeyr House,"  main campus,prof.  Mitchell GOHNERT,  ki  sang SON,  Dr Luker,on 7th July 2008
beside gypnasium, exercise & physical  education,  ki sang son, 6th july 2008
education campus,  ki ang son, 6th july, 2008
education campus

ki sang SON,  education campus, 6th July 2008.
ki  sang SON, education campus,  6th July 2008
 "HEALTH  is   WEALTH " enlarge it for reading

pleasant talking  at gypnasium, eucation  campus,WITS,Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA

A man;  you  are coming here for some torture,now.
Son;yes, it might be torture.
Another man;I  am watching you ,now.
                 How much do you weigh up bench press?
Son;I do 54  kg here but 80 kg in Korea
The man;do you do  it easily?
Son; yes, I do  without any difficulty.i  do this regularly, three or four times a week.
         You can  do as much  as I do , if you do it  regularly.
The  man;  how about  shoulder press?
Son; I  do  it  up to  70 kg against national body building contest before.but now, I do 40-           50kg.
The man; my son works for SAMSUN inLondon as a manager for Europeand have been to korea for annual meeting in Seoul.
The man; how old are you ?
Son; I  was born in 1952, 56 old.
The man;you do not look  like 56  at all
               Look only  less than 45 old.
Son;  you  look very healthful, good shape.
Son;  I  think that abdormal muscle is very important
The man;oh,  you are no fat!
Son;  see you   Friday, I¡¯m  going to be here on Friday again.
The above talking was done at gypnasium in Eucation campus, university of the WITwatersrand,Johannesburg on  2nd(WED) July 2008.

Dr  kuinian  Li(  left),  Ki sang SON  discussing research subject,  3rd July 2008.
Dr kuinian Li &  his  wife(  left), prof kisang SON(  right hand side),  3rd  July  2008
 ki sang SON,  structural laboratory,  school  of civil  engineering, university of the WITwatersrand, Johannesburg,3rd  July 2008
 fire extinguisher with  practical warning signs  fire extinguishing training sheet
 fire extinguishing training sheet  
 Dr Gary THEODESIOU,  cement & concrete institute,
( cement and concrete association), 1st July 2008


centres for civil engineering, WITS university 

prof ki sang SON, school  of civil engineering,university of the WITwatersrand,Johannesburg



ki  sang son,  weight training  ,gypnasium ,27th June 2008, university of the WITwatersrand Johannesburg

Dear Professor Ki Sang SON

Please find attached letter, from Prof M Gohnert.
Kind regards

This communication is intended for the addressee only. It is confidential. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and destroy the original message. You may not copy or disseminate this communication without the permission of the University. Only authorized signatories are competent to enter into agreements on behalf of the University and recipients are thus advised that the content of this message may not be legally binding on the University and may contain the personal views and opinions of the author, which are not necessarily the views and opinions of The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. All agreements between the University and outsiders are subject to South African Law unless the University agrees in writing to the contrary.

American Mr Hokinns working at KOTRA in Johannesburg, reported by Korean daily news paper CHOSUN




Ki Sang SON,


Please note the prices for University accommodation.   Please let me know which type of accommodation you wish to have.   Please note that the accommodation on campus is very basic.



From: Flavia Tshabalala
Sent: 08 January 2008 12:16 PM
To: Mitchell Gohnert
Subject: FW: Accomodation for Mr Ki Sang SON

Dear Prof

Below are the two rates for Mr Ki Sang SON accommodation please advice on which one must we go for.

Thank you


From: Mxolisi Molefe
Sent: 07 January 2008 10:40 PM
To: Flavia Tshabalala
Subject: RE: Accomodation for Mr Ki Sang SON

Dear Rachel

Thank you for your enquiry regarding accommodation for Mr Ki Sang SON.
We are able to accommodate him. Internal Requisition will be required closer to the period for this request.
Rates for our flats are as follows:
Studio apartment - R 2444.90 per month
1bedroom apartment - R 3525.00 per month

Please let us know if you would need an invoice for this request.
Kind regards


From: Flavia Tshabalala
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 11:53 AM
To: Mxolisi Molefe
Subject: Accomodation for Mr Ki Sang SON

Dear Mr Molefe

Could you kindly help in arranging accommodation for Mr Ki Sang SON. He will be arriving on the 26th June 2008 and leaving on the 21st July 2008.

Your assistance will be highly appreciated



This communication is intended for the addressee only. It is confidential. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and destroy the original message. You may not copy or disseminate this communication without the permission of the University. Only authorized signatories are competent to enter into agreements on behalf of the University and recipients are thus advised that the content of this message may not be legally binding on the University and may contain the personal views and opinions of the author, which are not necessarily the views and opinions of The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. All agreements between the University and outsiders are subject to South African Law unless the University agrees in writing to the contrary. 

This communication is intended for the addressee only. It is confidential. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and destroy the original message. You may not copy or disseminate this communication without the permission of the University. Only authorized signatories are competent to enter into agreements on behalf of the University and recipients are thus advised that the content of this message may not be legally binding on the University and may contain the personal views and opinions of the author, which are not necessarily the views and opinions of The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. All agreements between the University and outsiders are subject to South African Law unless the University agrees in writing to the contrary.


mutual cooperation agreement between KOREA and SOUTH AFRICA, 25th Oct 2006

Dear Prof Ki Sang SON,

You are welcome to come during the period suggested.   We will open our labs to your disposal and we can test scaffolding.   I am sure we can also find some donors to supply the material.   However, I should note that the School officially closes down for a week during Christmas and New Years.  Many of the staff also use this time (mid-December to early January) to go away on vacations.   For this reason, it would be more productive if you come a little before to get the testing in before the holidays (if possible).   If not possible, just come when you can.


We do have equipment to apply dynamic loading, so perhaps we can use this equipment to simulate wind loading on scaffolding.




From: ¼Õ±â»ó [mailto:ksson@snut.ac.kr]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:53 PM
To: Gohnert mitchell
Subject: Re: RE: visiting research

Dear prof Mitchell
Thank you for your prompt reply like this. I 'd like to stay there for one or two months between December
  2007and February 2008 .            I like to get in touch with you until my being there.
Instead, i will make a  paper to get into a  science citation indexed journal    if possible   in 2006.Of course , it will be made with you together as coauthors.

You can see me of what i  am , who i am in my homepage , www.sportsleisure.co.kr  ...My CV in english  is  in there.
now i am interested in scaffold structure safety against collapsion inculding wind load( tmuch money) or just static load.It was done already in Japan. but post buckling  of tubler frame was not deeply investigated,yet.

Your ideas of the above or the others would be very  useful to accomplish  a co- worked paper.
Best wishes

Ki sang SON
Dept of safety engineering
Seoul National university of Technology

----- Original Message -----
From: Gohnert mitchell <gohnert@civil.wits.ac.za>
¡¯¼Õ±â»ó¡¯ <ksson@snut.ac.kr>
Sent: 2006/03/20 16:42
Subject: RE: visiting research

Dear Prof Ki Sang SON


You are more than welcome to spend some time at our University. 




From: ¼Õ±â»ó [mailto:ksson@snut.ac.kr]
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:40 AM
To: gohnert@civil.wits.ac.za
Subject: visiting research

Dear prof Gohnert
It is happy to send this to you today.I got you from your homepage.
I am interested in concrete structure including
  a variety of fibers-mixing  concrete.
I ¡¯d like to stay there around the end of 2007 if i  am accepted.
I look forward to hearing from you
Best wishes

Ki Sang SON,prof,phd,pe
Dept of safety engineering 
Seoul Nastional univesity of Technology
fax  +82-978-4806

Dear Prof Ki Sang SON

You are more than welcome to spend some time at our University.  


From: ¼Õ±â»ó [mailto:ksson@snut.ac.kr]
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:40 AM
To: gohnert@civil.wits.ac.za
Subject: visiting research

Dear prof Gohnert
It is happy to send this to you today.I got you from your homepage.
I am interested in concrete structure including
  a variety of fibers-mixing  concrete.
I 'd like to stay there around the end of 2007 if i  am accepted.
I look forward to hearing from you
Best wishes

Ki Sang SON,prof,phd,pe
Dept of safety engineering 
Seoul Nastional univesity of Technology
fax  +82-978-4806