











Mountain Climbing



 I began skating at Taereung International SkateRink, in Seoul, Korea from December 8th 2013   as   a  first time of  my  life. The  course   which I   take  is a group adult course which is trained every Sunday. I began to run two turns of 400m ice rink track from 3rd class.

 But it was easier to follow the skills which my personal coach, give me   than a group coach  does  how to set left foot on back calf of right foot and  to  still go on the rink as a foot and then conversely, repeatedly for about one hour, every week from December 2013.

 I felt  that I had a little problem   to shake   due  to not resisting my body weight when I concentrate  on the left foot. I found this problem at 3rd coach lesson.  

 At 3rd personal lesson, I felt better ability to concentrate my body centroid on the left foot skate, comparatively less shaking than the previous level(stage).

 My coach advised me that I had better change my skate itself . I have improved my skating skills with an order madeone, following teacher¡¯s advice.  I could better move my body weight on the left foot at 5th lesson, on the second week of January 2014.

 And  I began to learn the corner work from a group  lesson on 12th Jan 2014.

 At (the) 6th personal lesson, I confirmedly felt that I resisted my body on the left or right on the ice floor, with a foot only. I turned around the 400m ice track  to practice some steps which were trained by my coach after class in  Jan. 2014. My skating ability  have been approached to the level of just before corner work.

 At (the) 10th group class, I began to learn a corner work skill of speed skate which could help an Olympic gold medalist  keep a constant speed in turning around corner. I was extremely frightened with corner work at the first time but I  made it eventually.

 Basic steps and corner work  should be repeatedly practiced not only on the ground floor but also on the ice floor until  my skating skills are satisfactory.

At  the 11th class,  19th Mar 2014,  a coach  complimented me for my    doing basic steps.I   also  felt  that  I made easier and more comfortable corner work skill. Skating A skating expert says that the more we fall down the better we become at skating. Sometimes, I just fall down from the pain of maintaining a regular skating posture, but recently I learned an important skating maneuver. On the 17th and 28th of March in 2014, I finally learned how to do corner work comfortably. However, I was only able to do so though the help of my personal coach who guided my posture and balance with his hands. At my group lesson at the end of March, I was finally able to skate around corners on my own while keeping a considerable speed and not falling down. Thanks, coach!


corner work back , May 22 2014, ki sang SON

corner work back,May  22,   2014, ki  sang SON
corner work   front 2,  May 22  ,2014, Ki Sang SON
corner  work  front 1,    May  22,2014, ki  sang SON

practicing corner work balancing with belt and coach, Ki Sang SON, Mar . 2014

 practicing corner work balancing with belt and coach

practicing corner work balancing with belt and coach, ki Sang SON, Mar ,2014.

basic  steps on  the  ground  floor, Mar  2014,  ki sang son 

basic  steps on  the  ground  floor, Mar  2014,  ki sang son 

 basic  steps on  the  ground  floor, Mar  2014,  ki sang son 

corner work  on  the ground  floor, mar 2014, kisang son, 
basic steps  on  the  ice floor,      Mar  2014,  ki  sang son,

basic steps  on  the  ice floor,    Mar  2014,  ki  sang son,

group  class    speed slate,   ki  sang SON,  8th DEC.  2013 .